Wood Shop Services

Professional Cleaning, Milling, and Flattening Services for Your Wood Products

At Lucky Nelson's, we understand that wood moves, especially when drying. That's why we offer professional cleaning and milling services to ensure your wood is ready for use. Our experienced team uses the latest equipment and techniques to clean and mill your wood perfectly. We take pride in our work and pay attention to every detail, so you can be sure your wood will be ready for any project. We work with clients in Burlington and Camden Counties,  and surrounding areas. Our team is always available to answer any questions and provide a free estimate for our services. Contact us at (856) 633-4401 to learn more about our wood shop services.

Woodshop Services & Pricing

1. Planing Slabs

  • When Customer Buys Our Slabs or Lumber: $4 per square foot
  • When Planing Customer’s Slabs: Starting at $6 per square foot
  • Extra Material Removal: $3 per square foot for every additional ½” removed if over
  • ½” thickness needs flattening.
  • End Grain: Additional $3 per square foot.
  • Finish Removal: Additional $3 per square foot if the piece has a finish.
  • Epoxy Presence: Additional $6 per square foot if the piece contains epoxy.
  • Metal Detection Fee: $20 if metal is found and damages the blades.

2. Cutting

  • Straight Cut to Length (12” or less in width): $10 per cut
  • Circle Cuts and Templated Unique Cuts: Priced per job; contact us for a custom quote.

3. Joining Slabs

  • Up to 4′ Long: $40 per Glue-Up
  • 4′ to 8′ Long: $60 per Glue-Up
  • Over 8′ Long: $80 per Glue-Up

4. Epoxy Fills

  • Priced based on the volume of epoxy used. Contact us with project details for an estimate.

5. Sanding

  • Sanding Service: $45 per square foot

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How are glue-ups for joining slabs priced?

    Glue-ups are based on slab length:

    • Up to 4 Feet: $40
    • 4 to 8 Feet: $60
    • Over 8 Feet: $80

    This includes careful alignment and clamping for a seamless join.

  • Do you offer custom cuts like circles or unique shapes?

    Yes, we offer circle and templated cuts. Pricing depends on complexity, so please get in touch with us for a quote.

  • Can you do epoxy fills on wood pieces?

    Yes, epoxy fills are available and priced by the amount of epoxy required, perfect for filling cracks or decorative touches.

  • Why are additional fees charged for planing certain slabs?

    Extra fees apply for materials like end grain or epoxy-filled slabs, which need more time, effort, and wear on equipment.

  • What happens if metal is found in my wood?

    If we find metal in your wood, there’s a $20 fee for blade damage. Please check for nails or screws beforehand to avoid this.

  • How is payment handled?

    We accept cash, checks, and credit cards (a small additional fee applies to credit card payments).

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